Na, bar mar korabban irkaltunk roluk, most vegre nalunk is vannak a legujabb kiadvanyaink. Egyszerre harom 12" lemezzel nött a dzsukhell rekords kiadvanyainak szama. Elsokent talan a hazai OAKEN-t emlitenem, akiknek egy 4-way split cuccuk (az anyagon szerepel meg a LOCKTENDER ,a COMA REGALIA es a WOUNDED KNEE ) jelent meg es az ilyen-olyan szinu lemezek egyenest amerikabol repultek at hozzank.
Aztan itt van a cseh REMEK es a szloven PAPERPLANECRASH split nagylemeze. Ket fasza banda, amit csupa joarc alkot es 100%-os DIY hozzaalassal nyomatjak (kezzel festett ill. szitazott borito, plusz fanzine-booklet) a rumcazj screamot es a szolidabb burek emopunkot. Amugy ez a cucc egy olyan sorozatnak a resze, ahol a ket banda, plusz a francia Child Meadow spliteket jelentettek meg egymassal, sot gymas szamit is feldolgoztak ezeken.
No, es itt van meg a holland szinter szuperhöseinek projektje a LAWINE. Ok egy nagylemezzel nyitottak kiadvanyaik listajat es nagyon uditoen hat 2013-ban ez, a nehol a 90-es evek veget-2000-es evek elejet idezo, ugyanakkor modern hangzassal biro anyag.
Az osszes anyagot beszerezhetitek tolunk. Irjatok a mailcimunkre, vagy keressetek a distronkat a koncerteken!
Amugy meg mindig van a legutobbi kiadvanyainkbol is (PFA cd, Lanverraad 7" es THe Skrotes, BoilingXPoint split7").
Though we have already announced their release, still we only have the actual copies of three of our newest releases (all 12" LPs) now.
Let me start first with a a 4 way split recording of the hungarian scremo-post-metal OAKEN, american screamo, post-screamo bands LOCKTENDER ,a COMA REGALIA es a WOUNDED KNEE. Check them out!
Then we havethe split record of czech screamo bandits REMEK and slovenian emopunk-bureks PAPERPLANECRASH. The record is part of a series where the two bands plus Child Meadow from France do splits and release also covers from each other. 100% DIY attitude from recordings to cover art and so on!
Last, but not least, a dutch scenestars project LAWINE with a 12" LP that will make you remember of the good old 90s and early 2k period, still with a pretty modern touch to it. Let me not compare them to anything as there would be too many names to mention and still not a single one that could work as a proper point of reference.
All these records can be ordered from us or bought at shows attended by us and our distro.You can also find some of the still hot stuff we have recently released (PFA cd, Landverraad 7" and The Skrotes-BoilingXPoint split 7").
Aztan itt van a cseh REMEK es a szloven PAPERPLANECRASH split nagylemeze. Ket fasza banda, amit csupa joarc alkot es 100%-os DIY hozzaalassal nyomatjak (kezzel festett ill. szitazott borito, plusz fanzine-booklet) a rumcazj screamot es a szolidabb burek emopunkot. Amugy ez a cucc egy olyan sorozatnak a resze, ahol a ket banda, plusz a francia Child Meadow spliteket jelentettek meg egymassal, sot gymas szamit is feldolgoztak ezeken.
No, es itt van meg a holland szinter szuperhöseinek projektje a LAWINE. Ok egy nagylemezzel nyitottak kiadvanyaik listajat es nagyon uditoen hat 2013-ban ez, a nehol a 90-es evek veget-2000-es evek elejet idezo, ugyanakkor modern hangzassal biro anyag.
Az osszes anyagot beszerezhetitek tolunk. Irjatok a mailcimunkre, vagy keressetek a distronkat a koncerteken!
Amugy meg mindig van a legutobbi kiadvanyainkbol is (PFA cd, Lanverraad 7" es THe Skrotes, BoilingXPoint split7").
Though we have already announced their release, still we only have the actual copies of three of our newest releases (all 12" LPs) now.
Let me start first with a a 4 way split recording of the hungarian scremo-post-metal OAKEN, american screamo, post-screamo bands LOCKTENDER ,a COMA REGALIA es a WOUNDED KNEE. Check them out!
Then we havethe split record of czech screamo bandits REMEK and slovenian emopunk-bureks PAPERPLANECRASH. The record is part of a series where the two bands plus Child Meadow from France do splits and release also covers from each other. 100% DIY attitude from recordings to cover art and so on!
Last, but not least, a dutch scenestars project LAWINE with a 12" LP that will make you remember of the good old 90s and early 2k period, still with a pretty modern touch to it. Let me not compare them to anything as there would be too many names to mention and still not a single one that could work as a proper point of reference.
All these records can be ordered from us or bought at shows attended by us and our distro.You can also find some of the still hot stuff we have recently released (PFA cd, Landverraad 7" and The Skrotes-BoilingXPoint split 7").
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